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Finding Inspiration in Every Joke

Punch Lines | Surrey Online Store

Punch Lines is a comedic short story collection that displays Popowich’s ability to find comedy in the mundane and heartbreaking.


A comedy double-act tell death jokes to each other on their death beds. A clown car crash sends clowns rampaging through the city. A standup comic investigates his mistakes, including getting into a punch-up with a ventriloquist’s dummy. An out-of-work mime returns home to the silence.


‘Jamie Popowich understands.’ Bruce Wagner, author of ROAR: American Master; The Marvel Universe: Origin Stories; screenplay for David Cronenberg’s Maps to the Stars


‘There is something to Jamie Popowich’s writing that bears attention and observation.’

Afterward by Matthew Specktor author of Always Crashing in the Same Car

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Jamie Popowich is a writer and filmmaker whose books include Chrome Kisses (comedies and heartbreaks) and Metraville (sketch comedy) and the documentary, Run Run It's Him (co-created with Matthew Pollack), an unromantic comedy about porn addiction. He is currently working in production on a prank comedy feature film, a book on the filmmaker, Don Siegel (with Aaron Tucker), and a novel about an astronaut who falls to Earth.

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